Счастливая ферма+Эй, это моя рыба+Der Isses - лот для детей

Лот для детей. Счастливая ферма - игра с легкими правилами и милым артом животных. Уже не издаётся. Эй, это моя рыба - версия без поля. Der isses игра для хитрецев на блеф

Игры в лоте

Счастливая ферма

My Happy Farm


My Happy Farm is a game in which players strive to become the best farmer.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Без повреждений
Эй, это моя рыба!

Hey, That's My Fish!


In Hey, That's My Fish!, players want to catch as many fish as possible with their waddle of penguins. Each turn, a player moves one penguin in a straight line over hex-shaped ice tiles with 1, 2 or 3 fish on them. The player then collects the hex from where the penguin started its movement from the table, thereby creating a gap which penguins can't cross on future turns. When a penguin can't move, it's removed from play with its owner claiming the tile on which it stands. The player who collects the most fish wins.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Без повреждений
Xe Queo!


Seven tokens of seven different colors and one ring are placed randomly on eight spaces of a seven-by-seven grid. Each player has seven disks that correspond to each of the seven tokens.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Без повреждений