Строители и Среди звезд с допом

Строители интересный сетосборник в духе сплендера, достаточно компактный Среди звезд хороший ассиметричный таблопбилдер с драфтом жаль вдвоем так себе играется. Доп добавляет ещё большую ассиметрию

Игры в лоте

The Builders: Middle Ages


In The Builders: Middle Ages, the cards represent buildings or workers. Players score points (and gain money) by completing the construction of buildings, while placing a worker on a construction site costs money. Each building has four characteristics (carpentry, masonry, architecture, tilery) rated between 0 and 5, and the workers have the same characteristics valued in the same range. To complete a construction, the player must add enough workers to cover the four characteristics of the building.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Без повреждений
Among the Stars: Revival


A new era has begun. The Alliance's attempt to revive the worlds that were destroyed during the Purge was met with great success and the future looks bright for the first time. Those sectors that were abandoned before, have now become very active and are blooming with life.

Состояние компонентов
Есть потёртости
Без повреждений