Немезида здорового человека

Игра на скрытые перемещения. Все компоненты в хорошем состоянии. Оригинальные маркеры были выброшены и заменены новыми. Отправка по договорённости, предпочтение сберлогистике.

Игры в лоте

Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space


Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space is a card game of strategy and bluff set on a badly damaged deep space research ship. On-board systems have failed, plunging the ship into darkness. But even worse: A mysterious alien plague has crept aboard and is transforming the human crew into horrendous monsters! The remaining crewmen desperately try to save their lives by escaping from the derelict spaceship, but in the darkness the aliens are lurking...hungry for human flesh.

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