Descent (Десент ) база,2я редакция

Коробка покоцана, внутри все упаковано по пакетам + все карты в протекторах. Одна их книг немного порвана

Игры в лоте

Descent. Странствия во Тьме

Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Descent: Journeys in the Dark is a semi-cooperative game in which two to five players will take on the antagonistic roles of heroes and Overlord. Up to four players will choose characters with a wide assortment of skills and innate abilities to be the heroes who will explore dungeons in search of treasure and adventure. One player will take on the role of the Overlord and will control the dungeon's many traps, puzzles, and monsters.

Состояние компонентов
Есть потёртости