
Quads - абстрактная игра Gigamic на основе концепта от Криса Бурма (автор знаменитой серии абстрактно-стратегических игр GIPF, DVONN, ZERTZ, YINSH, TZAAR, PUNCT). В Quads плитки имеют магнитную основу, а игра происходит на поле с металлическим основанием. Правила на русском языке включены в буклет.

Игры в лоте



Quads is a tile placement game for two players. The tiles have different combinations of colors (either black or silver) or lines (parallel or perpendicular to the tile edge) at each of their four edges. Players take turns placing a tile so that the colors or lines on each edge match that of adjacent tiles. The player who stops his or her opponent from being able to place a tile wins.

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