Red 7

Прикольный патигейм, которые помещается в карман. Быстро немножко мозголомно 3/10. Состояние отличное, сыграли одну партию.

Игры в лоте

Red Seven


Red Seven is an interesting mix between Scrabble and Bridge: tiles show a letter (with its value, as in Scrabble) and the symbol of a poker card suit. As in Bridge, we find two partnerships against each other: in the auction, the partners should propose a contract, i.e. a suit and a number of "tricks" they plan to take. The "trick", in effect, is made by confrontation between the value of the word you place on the board (as in Scrabble) and the one of the previous player: so, any word is considered in 2 "tricks" (the one with the previous and the one with the following player). The suit proposed by the winner of the auction is the "trump" for the round: once played, the tiles with this suit on will receive a bonus in points.
The game is played in 3 rounds: any player receive a random set of tiles per round. At the end of any round, the teams score victory points according to the contract made at the beginning of the round.

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