Пак игр для детей и семьи

Каждая из игр раскладывалась до 5 раз. Компоненты все в наличии и в хорошем состоянии. Коробки маленько потерты. Упаковки в Запретных словах и Ловись рыбка немного покоцаны ввиду необычного способа открытия игры.

Игры в лоте




The game comes with:
- Plastic honey drops of which each players gets 15 at the beginning of the game
- Cards with one or more animals (dogs, monkeys, rabbits, mice and pigs)
- Cards with the animals favourite food on them

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Умеют ли свинки летать?

Können Schweine fliegen?


Cards depicting various animals are stacked in six piles. One of the cards is selected by a players and placed in the center of the stacks, and the players try to select characteristics which are appropriate to that animal as quickly as possible by placing pawns on a list of possible characteristics.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений


SmileyFace is a card game of face-to-face family fun for four to eight players.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений
Ловись, рыбка

Somethin' Fishy


This card game from Oliver Igelhaut has fish feeding on fish. The cards show different types of fish in different sizes, from hungry to full. Players draw cards and play them to rows, with hungry fish eating everything in front of it until it meets a like fish. A fish doesn't eat its like, and instead goes to the table as a fat fish. When a player has drawn 3 cards of a kind, it can take a fat fish from the table. When the round ends, players score for the most fish in their catch.

Состояние компонентов
Без повреждений


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