Игры для определения первого игрока и победителя по тайбрейкам!

уникальные игры, весь смысл которых заключается в определении первого игрока или победителя при равенстве очков различными способами . В составе два оригинальных мипла

Игры в лоте

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What's the number one problem facing gamers? Cheeto dust. What's the number two problem? Games that end in ties. After a grueling hour of gaming, you discover that you've tied for first place with your arch nemesis, Toady Johansen. Again. You grab for the rulebook, but Toady is faster than you, and begins reading, "In case of a tie, all players rejoice in their shared victory." You're outraged. Even Toady, who would be languishing in second-to-last place if it weren't for the kingmaking efforts of your other arch nemesis, Art Smithers, is visibly shaken. What is this, the World Cup? Unbelievable.

Состояние компонентов
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