Shadows of Brimstone: Undead Outlaw&Gunslinger

Дополнение с набором врагов для Shadows of Brimstone. Требует сборки и покраски. Полный комплект (миниатюры, карты, жетоны), но так как это KS издание, то без коробки.

Игры в лоте

Shadows of Brimstone: Undead Outlaws and Undead Gunslinger Deluxe Enemy Pack

Outlaws are a common occurrence through the region around the ruins of Brimstone. Even before the town blew and the portals began to open, the gold rush and Dark Stone rush that grew the town out of control also lured in Outlaws and bandits by the thousands. Once the devastation occurred and the Darkness came, countless numbers of those Outlaws fell into shadow. Some became Mutants, other fell to the curse of the Lycan or began dabbling into dark Magiks, and many more began to rise from the grave as Undead. It wasn't long before the Undead Outlaws fell back into their old ways of robbing, rustling, and mayhem. Perhaps it was just faint memories of their old lives seeping back in, or maybe they have a cold purpose, with a mind for revenge on the land of the living.
