Доп к sentinels of the multiverse

Вдруг у кого-нибудь есть база, но нет допа. Коробка в плёнке, один угол немного примят, остальное всё целое.

Игры в лоте

Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition – Rook City Renegades

Rook City. Nighttime. The Cult of Gloom performs their dark rituals, seeking to open the way for their dread lord and master. Rumors abound of a red-masked killer lurking in the shadows. A monstrous giant rat-man-beast stalks the sewers, its terrible teeth teeming with toxins. And, above it all, The Chairman of The Organization — the largest organized crime syndicate the world has ever seen — watches the ebb and flow of his underlings, his subjects, his city. If things need a more hands-on approach, he'll send his Operative to deal with the dirty work.
