The lord of the ice garden

Ассиметричный ареа, по духу похожий на войны ктулху, основанный на серии книг. Внутри органайзер. Все миньки любовно покрашены

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The Lord of the Ice Garden


The world of Midgaard, created by author Jarosław Grzędowicz in The Lord of the Ice Garden novel series, is inhabited by a race very similar to humans, filled with magic and for a reason stuck at the cultural and technological level of medieval Viking world. The arrival of scientists from Earth disturbs its fragile balance. The power gained by controlling magic changes the scientists – they become possessed by the lust for making this world better. They become gods, who are willing to sacrifice any life, except for their own, of course, to accomplish their – great, according to them – ideas.

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