Gloom с Kickstarter с кучей дополнений в бигбоксе
Крутая игра с агрессивным взаимодействием. Пока шла, как-то перегорел к игре. Все новое, запечатанное. На каких-то допах наклейка отклеилась, на фото показал.
Take a journey through the miserable world of GLOOM!
Publisher Blurb:
The Gloom: Unfortunate Expeditions expansion adds one player and 55 cards to the game. Here is a description of the expansion from the publisher:
There's mystery and murder afoot at Hemlock Hall, but this isn't a story about the dashing detective — it's the tale of the unfortunate victims. Compete to tell the most tragic tale, while keeping your opponents healthy and alive. Will you be detained in the dungeons or be poisoned while pruning?