
Игра с блефом и взаимодействием. Выясни, кто в вашей компании главный интриган! Качественные компоненты, в отличном состоянии. Пробег 1 партия. Вложены правила на русском, сама игра языконезависима.

Игры в лоте



Paris, XVIIth century. Cardinal Richelieu is centralizing power in the name of King Louis XIII and defends France against those he considers its enemies: the English, the protestants, the Habsburgs and French nobles scheming against him and the crown. Will you side with the cardinal, or will you be seduced by the promise of wealth and power from the queen and foreign nations? Be warned that the cardinal will hinder too ambitious intrigants. Become an influent noble in the court by accumulating prestige and favors. The player most helpful to each faction is also rewarded at the end of the game.

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